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Citizen Science School

Johanna Barnbeck: Artistic Research Practices in Citizen Science Projects


In this hands-on and interactive workshop, we will 

  • get to know different types of artistic research practices 
  • explore modes in which artistic and scientific knowledge production can be combined
  • discuss how artistic practices may add to your research design
  • experiment with camera-based methods and test participatory art practices. 


In recent years, more and more initiatives encourage collaborations between arts and science. However, this development hasn’t reached the field of citizen science yet and there are only a handful projects that include artistic research and art practices as part of their methodology. 

How could artistic practices be part of your participatory research project? What kind of collaborations between citizens, artists and scientists are possible? Which type of encounters would we like to foster? What type of knowledge can we produce through artistic practices? And where could artistic and scientific methods meet, enhance or complicate our endeavours?

The overall aim of this workshop is to develop a creative idea that each participant can incorporate in their projects bringing arts and CS closer to each other.

For further information about Johanna Barnbeck, see the Speakers & trainers site or visit Spread The Nerd


Session: Parallel Workshops 2

Date: Thursday, June 17th (Part 1 & 2) Tuesday, June 22nd (Part 3)

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Johanna Barnbeck

Johanna Barnbeck